Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our 10th Place Together

Real are the facts about our new move. Yes...not the move in July, but the move that happened the first week in August.

1. Big house in Gresham - we had a contract with the builder that he had to finish an engineered-approved retaining wall before we'd agree to close on the property.

2. It was agreed that we could live there for free until the wall was completed.

3. Wall was not even begun and the builder suggested he just build a faux wall to pacify the engineer.

4. Builder never began wall and put us off over and over again.

5. We tired of this...found a new house and will be closing on it on September 8th with a hopeful move in date of September 10th.

Here she is...smaller, beautiful and homey feeling. Our 10th place together.