We too the MAX to the Zoo! We missed the Zoo stop and had to get off and ride back to that stop...then on the way home, we jumped on the red train when we needed the blue train, but simply transferred at Gateway and then headed back to the park and ride.
I have a general aversion to public transportation; mainly the stenches and different smells from others. Mostly it's B.O., sometimes it's a strong cheap perfume...Chris and I chatted afterward about how Jesus wouldn't have focused on the smells, but the hearts of the the people.
Flannery noticed a thin black woman crying and yelling at seemingly no one as we passed a station downtown...and another woman talking loudly to herself as she stumbled along near the library. I whispered to her what happens when I see those things. "I pray," I told her. "Just a silent prayer to God that He would care for them and give them peace."
Chris and I decided that we're going to head downtown and have a date night. We both love the Square area, especially around the holidays.
So weird. When I was 16 & 17, I spent a lot of time in downtown Portland with friends. I remember going to the St. Patrick's Day Parade with fellow Irishmen Chris & Ryan Murphy. Amy Grant was the Grand Marshall that year, and as she passed, Chris yelled out, "When are you gonna go Punk Rock?" She laughed and smiled and yelled back, "NEVER!!!" Chris quickly yelled back, "Then I'm never gonna listen to you!"
Some things just stick in your mind...ha!
Long story just to say, this was Cannon's first trip to the Zoo. Oh, and Chris decided we should be annual pass-holders. So we are. Even got the obligatory animal sticker for the family truckster. Cannon wanted the Ape sticker because it looks like Harry from Harry and the Hendersons. Done.