1. Apartment in Troutdale
2. House in Washougal - Purple Carpet
3. House #2 in Washougal - amazing flower garden
4. House in East Vancouver - slate on gray house/red kitchen countertops
5. Gov't Camp - Our cabin
6. East Vancouver - The ranch with a big backyard
7. West Vancouver - 1940's gem
8. Seaside - ocean front beauty
9. Gresham - big, quiet, lovely
This was the first time my sister wasn't there to help us move. She is incredible. I can't put into words how great she is at moving people. For those who don't know, my sister, Kelly, moved to Moses Lake, WA after a job transfer. Going to see her this August! Yay!
Here's some pics of the move...
Of course, I snapped a gorgeous picture of our Seaside view before we left...