On the topic of cleaning, I have to clean the bathtub. The bathtub/shower is my LEAST favorite thing to clean. In fact, I probably don't clean it often enough. Wait. I KNOW I don't clean it often enough. I usually spray Tilex on the entire thing, open the windows and turn on the fan for about 2 hours or so...then rinse and it is spotless. Love that. But, I have to get out the Magic Erasers this time. Whoops. Good thing we never used the basement shower - (the steam would have ruined my scrapbooking paper; the ocean humidity alone made some things a little logged.)

Laundry, I love. I love sorting, pouring the detergent, choosing the right cycle...and that's about it. My laundry likes to rest a few days after coming out of the dryer. I let it rest on the couch in the front room. *New house resolution: Fold, hang, deliver to bedrooms.

Dishes, I love. I love loading the dishwasher the best because I will organize according to size and color...sometimes, if multi colored cereal bowls litter the sink, I'll put them on the top rack in a pattern: black, teal, blue, black, teal, blue. I'm an artist! Flannery is my unloader, if Chris hasn't gotten to it first.

I hate hardwood floors. Dirt can hide in carpet...not on a hardwood. Dust bunnies develop overnight. In the corners. Around legs of chairs. In my nightmares. I hate dust bunnies. And they're not really bunnies, are they? No - they are vermicious kenids. Horrible things.

Well, off to cuddle my sick boy...day 5 of cough, runny nose and fussiness. Most likely something he caught at the conference center...oh...must post about our Memorial Day weekend soon! xo - e