1. I really wish I would have gone into the ICU to see Diane when I was told that I could have. May 27,2001, my Aunt Diane passed away suddenly from a heart attack. She lived for a day and was coherent and talking to everyone and I was told I could go in. Even Kimmy told her I had Flannery (just 3 weeks old) and she smiled and would have loved to see her. I didn't go in until she had passed. We all went in, held her hand, kissed her cheek and prayed over her with Pastor Peter. Regret. Regret that I didn't have one last memory with her alive.
2. I love that I bare my soul...and share whatever it is you want to know about me, but sometimes people aren't accumstomed to that kind of vulnerability and so they avoid me. Chill out people. I'm not flashing you my breasts...It's called being real. And yes, I said breasts.
3. I'm getting better about being content with things. I am 36, enjoy the ocean, people watching, scrapbooking and general crafting...get excited when I see a bald eagle or blue whale and I read from Oprah's Book Club. I am no longer a band girl - at every show, buying the T-Shirts and CDs (or cassettes) and feeling the rush of adreneline as I walk on stage to perform. I miss that...but not as much as I used to.
Just been thinking...