Current mood: loved
Category: Life
My Beloved Husband John passed away suddenly on July 25th from a heart attack. We were married just over two months. He was the light of my life.
I'm reading a book: "I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye; surviving, coping and healing after the sudden death of a loved one," by Brook Noel & Pamela Blair.
I'm reading along, and it all sounds good. Grieving; stages of grief; what to expect; yadda yadda yadda... then I get to this paragraph:
"What are your priorities? What matters? How could you live differently? Most importantly, how could you make every day count? In many ways, the best tribute we can give to the deceased is to allow them the impact of permanently changing our lives. Allow your life to fluctuate in form. Allow your priorities and loves to surface--and then live by them. When we do this, we are offering the greatest tribute to the one we have lost. In this way, we are showing them that though they have gone, they have changed our life and allowed us to live more fully. Think about that. If you were to die tomorrow, could you think of any better legacy to leave behind than the power of helping others live more complete lives?"
wow. This really hit home. My Beautiful John was all about being in the moment, living for today, and truly cherishing every breath. We had a motto if you will... those cheesy cliche's that come on plaques and such... well, we had one that fit us. "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." (He even gave me a picture frame with that engraved on it... with a photo of the sunset beach when he proposed... such a romantic!)
John taught me what real priorities are. Although it's perfectly normal to have goals and dreams, and work to achieve them... the true measure of a person's life is the mark they left on those they left behind.
John changed my life forever. Although I only knew him for a very brief moment... he showed me how to live and what real love is. He made me so very happy, just by sharing his smile with me, his sense of humor, and his innermost and deepest thoughts... I am truly blessed to have been so phenomenally loved, and to have been touched by someone so spectacular in my life.
I am a better person for having known John Sharp. Many of us are. He lives on in spirit, and through us, as we allow his impact on each of us to enrich our lives.
Be at Peace, my Beloved Husband. I love you.

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